Monday, November 29, 2010

Launch Options -dxlevel In Counter Strike Source

Neutral Red Fish & Chips and one more at home.

Hi tod @ s ,

Today we are super nervous, since the puppy gets adopted by us. We will call Grondahl is a Cocker Spaniel and we are delighted.
The truth that time we had been wanting to have a puppy, but we decided ... so a good day, we went the opportunity to adopt this dog and today at 18h, we will have at home. I have that desire.

also tell you that on November 14, spent the day with Alex Salvador and participated in the photography project 365 portraits, is to make a picture for each day of the year. Has brought all sorts of people, as Chef faithful believe that all know, to play me on November 14 . Actually it was a brutal experience. Alex is a great professional and the work done is formidable. I advise you to bear a walk around the project is worthwhile and the photos are great.

And yes, now I get to the recipe.

INGREDIENTS 4 desalted cod fillets.
175g flour 1 tablespoon honey

cold salt water

6g baking powder 4 tomatoes.
1 onion.

balsamic vinegar extra virgin olive oil.
4 large potatoes.


cod and reserve well in a bowl will do as a tempura with flour, a tablespoon of honey, cold water and a teaspoon of baking powder. We can replace the yeast and water for beer ... but in this case I did it with water and yeast, leaving luxury. We spent the loins of cod by the mixture and fry until brown in hot olive oil, about 200 ยบ. Interestingly, this very hot so do not take too much oil and too heavy to be lunchtime.
Fry the potatoes and set aside. For the sauce, chop the tomatoes and reogamos with finely chopped onion in a pan, when it poached vegetables, add few drops balsamic vinegar and resrevamos.
In a bowl, make a sauce base and place the fish on it. Potatoes to taste, as they say a "discretion" and is luxury.



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