Monday, January 31, 2011

Mobile Processors Comparison

Tortellini "Pardini il 'Donuts

Hi tod @ s ,

Last Friday was not sure to be prepared to eat ... mmmm ... after giving lap, I decided to make fresh pasta. From recipe meatballs on fresh pasta with olives , at home we loved, had not returned with fresh pasta.
Certainly, fresh pasta with a good base sauce is the bomb ... once I had stretched the dough, I got the bright idea to try the tortellini. The result was pretty casual, as I guided by intuition ... is not normal me, I usually watch and collect recipes. But this time, was totally improvised ... and occasionally, life gives you surprises. Went well!

Tortellini is a ring-shaped pasta that is often filled with a mixture of meat (pork loin, prosciutto, mortadella and parmesan cheese) but in the Po valley are popular with other combinations. It originates from the Italian region of Emilia, especially in Bologna and Modena, and is usually served in broth, cream or sauce.
And find that it was curious legend. How nice it is to cook food or dishes that have generated many legends, no??
One of them says that this dish was born on Castelfranco Emilia, province of Modena. One night during a trip, Lucrezia Borgia stayed in a tavern, and the owner was captivated by her beauty and could not resist the temptation to spy on the keyhole. The light within it came from a few candles, so the plucky proprietor could only see the lady's navel. This pure and innocent vision was enough to produce an ecstasy that inspired him to create the tortellini that night.

Well, let's give the grill and I start with the recipe.


260g. flour.
range eggs.
1 fresh chives.
300g grated tomato.
1 splash of white wine.
freshly grated Parmesan cheese.
50g. Ham.
250g of mushrooms.
olive oil.
freshly ground pepper and live Russia!


In a bowl mix flour, salt and two eggs ... knead until a dough that does not stick to your hands and let stand for 1 hour. in the refrigerator.
For filling, chop the ham very fine and mix with Parmesan cheese.
The assembly is very simple and I accidentally found on page one of the great gourmet Pepekitchen network, where I got the recipe from last week, a picture step by step.

As you can see, graphically explained this very well ... we just have to follow these simple steps and we ready our tortellini. Now we can only make a good sauce for this wonder inspired by Lucrezia Borgia ... also inspired an opera of Gaetano Donizetti.
For the sauce, finely chopped Fry onion and reserve the green part to decorate, so we can substitute fresh chives, but as it was, the result is very good. Once
poached spring onion, salt, pepper, add the sliced \u200b\u200bmushrooms (to taste with the thickness), reogamos all this with a little white wine. Once alcohol is consumed add the tomato and basil, add salt, let it fry until we get a smooth sauce ... very important that once cooked tortellini (3 to 4 min.), Not throw water cooking, as this serves to stretch the sauce and we have much more creamy.

already cooked pasta, reogamos 2 min. with the sauce to coat all the flavors and serve parmesan cheese to taste verging and chives or green part of scallions sprinkled over the stuffing.

I can only say goodbye Bon Appetit!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Where To Get Cardboard Receptacle

home" Pepekitchen "step by step. Bass

Hi tod @ s ,

One evening I happened to find a good recipe for donuts ... and I think I found it. In Pepekitchen Blog, highly recommended and where we can find recipes delicious. If you have a while to go through this secure page that you like.
thought it was harder to do donuts and it was a discovery dry baking yeast.

The icing does not accomplish much, because I diluted with too much milk. But the result is brutally authentic taste. I also used chocolate couverture to make chocolate covered ... I hope you probeis and secure that you will like.


For the dough:

200 cc.

milk 1 egg 40 gr. butter 2 tablespoons water

375 gr.
flour 70 gr.
half teaspoon salt half teaspoon dry yeast


225 gr.
powdered sugar half teaspoon vanilla extract 3 tablespoons milk

Sunflower oil, for frying. PREPARATION

1, Dough preparation

Temper the milk a little, should be about 37 º. Sift the flour through a sieve. Mix with sugar, salt and granulated yeast. Make a volcano, and the central hole pour the warm milk, lightly beaten egg and water, along with butter, cut into pieces and we will have softened to room temperature.

it is best to soften the butter a few minutes knead with clean hands to soften. This operation, which can be done with silicone gloves orchard called butter, and makes the mixture.

2 º Fermentation

on floured board Knead a few minutes until the dough is elastic. Pass a clean dry bowl, cover with plastic wrap and leave in warm place to ferment for one hour or until doubled in volume is a minimum. Once

mass list, whether done by hand or machine, we had to floured board. Knead a few seconds, cover with a clean cloth and let rest 10 minutes.

3 rd Court of parts, new fermentation
Divide dough
into two parts. Spread each portion on floured board until a thickness of 1.5 cm. Cut the donut-shaped mass, you can use a large ring mold and cut the center with an apple corer to make the center hole.
Cover and ferment in warm place 40 to 60 minutes, or until light.

4 th Final Steps, fry, glaze

Fry the donuts in oil not hot, about 180 degrees, no more than two or three at a time, until lightly browned. Flip them and let brown on the other side. Drain on paper towels.

Mix glaze ingredients, sugar, vanilla powder and a little milk. Glazed donuts, let cool on a rack, and serve cold or warm.

Well, here are the recipe and I hope one of these days these delicious donuts ... prepare yourselves that winter evenings with a glass of milk ... is the bomb.


Monday, January 17, 2011

Birthday Cards/outboard Engines

wild Dicentrarchus labrax "and recetita.

Hi tod @ s ,

This week instead of going up a recipe I decided to tell you about the wild sea bass ... courtesy of my friend David Gonzalez, I received some photos of wild sea bass that I would like to share with you all.
Talking with David and seeing that your work has access to fresh producer first hand ... we decided that when I have something interesting or at least different, photograph, send it to me and we will discuss in this blog. If anyone has any interesting recipes they say and hang ... we are many we do not know how to approach this status without fish sauce and smash it with other stories.


sea bass, also known as sea bass, belongs to the family of Los Serranos, order Perciformes. In the same family is the comber (Serranus wavelet), a fish that occurs in your skin vertical bands of brown or reddish longitudinal stripes of yellowish white color, which facilitates their identification.

Where fishing?

wild sea bass is a fish that lives in the North Sea, the Channel and the Atlantic Ocean, ie, can be found from the coasts of Norway to the African coast of Senegal . It is also very common in the Mediterranean Sea, and its presence is less in the Black Sea. This fish used to swim in the rocky shores and the beaches, estuarine areas, ports and docks, where uses for food, and can even penetrate the fresh waters of the estuaries. If you want to catch bass, always look on the surface, very shallow and with good movement of waves, foam and swirls. Spring and autumn are the best of times, but it is easy in winter when bass fishing in warmer areas. The young bass move in banks, while adult swim alone.

The best season for catching sea bass are the cold months. Given the infrequency with which markets the wild sea bass, its price is very high, especially at Christmas, when consumption increases. In Currently, most of the bass that reaches the fishmongers raised on farms and raised in many Mediterranean countries, among which Morocco. In this way you can have these fish year round at an affordable price. This type of very fresh fish arrives at destination, without having suffered as a result of depletion of fisheries. However, there is a noticeable difference between the bass culinary aquaculture and wild, tastier and firmer flesh.

The best known species

The bass is a fish highly prized by the quality of their meat, making it difficult to replace by other species. However, it is marketed as atruchada sea bass, also called dancing (Dicentrarchus punctatus), a fish belonging to the same genus but a different species and is clearly different from the bass to have his body covered in spots. This species is distributed in the same areas as the bass. Its flesh is fine and appreciated, but not reach the quality of the bass.

There are other lesser-known species have also been bred in hatcheries and yellow bass, black or white.

Form: fish is a fusiform, round bodied, robust, elongated, slightly compressed and pointed head.

Minimum size: 23 cm.

Color: His skin is silver gray or gray-green and shiny, gray back, sides and lighter sides and belly whitish. At the height of the operculum has a black shaded area that makes it unique. Juveniles have black spots scattered around the body which disappear with age.

length and weight: can measure 90-100 cm, although the average size round of 40-80 cm. The weight is 300 grams (ration) to a kilo and a half, the larger fish weighing from 4 to 7 kilos, and can even be up to 12 kilos.

Power: animal is very voracious and eat worms, crustaceans, small fish or octopus who gets in his way. It also feeds on algae.


The bass is, along with cod, whiting, perch and skate one of the leaner white fish, since only contributes 1.3 grams of fat per 100 grams of meat. This is binds its high content of protein of high biological value compared to most fish, as well as vitamins and minerals. Therefore, it is considered a very nutritious food that, when cooked simply, can be a regular part of the low-calorie diets. Their meat is an interesting contribution of potassium, phosphorus and iron, and moderate in sodium and magnesium, compared with other fresh fish. Potassium is a mineral necessary for the nervous system and muscle activity and is involved with the sodium in the water balance inside and outside the cell.

Phosphorus is present in bones and teeth. Also involved in nervous system activity muscle and is involved in energy production processes. Magnesium is related to the functioning of the bowel, nerves and muscles, and forming part of bones and teeth. It also improves immunity and has a mild laxative effect. Iron is necessary for the generation of hemoglobin, a protein that carries oxygen from the lungs to all cells, and prevents adequate intake of iron deficiency anemia.

Among the vitamins, deserves special mention in group B (B1, B2, B3), whose content is higher for bass compared to other fish. However, the content in these vitamins is not as relevant when compared to other foods rich in these nutrients (whole grains, legumes, leafy green vegetables, meats in general). Vitamin B12 also excels in the nutritional composition of seabass and is present in an amount equal or even superior to that of meat, eggs and cheeses, all foods of animal origin and unique natural source of this nutrient. In general, the vitamins of group B can use the energy nutrients (carbohydrates, fats and proteins) and are involved in many important functional processes as the formation of sex hormones, the synthesis of genetic material and system operation nervous.


sea bass in a piece

2 cloves garlic

olive oil

1 onion
1 leek 1 carrot

1 sprig of rosemary

coarse salt

Ingredients for the sauce

250 ml.

1 shallot or small onion

1 glass of cava


Prepare a vegetable stock with water, salt, garlic, onion, carrot, leek and rosemary. Boil some bass in the broth and cool inside.

cava Prepare sauce. Fry finely chopped shallot with a little olive oil.
When the onion is yellow, add a glass of sparkling wine and reduce. Once the champagne is concentrated, remove from heat and allow to tune.

Whisk mayonnaise and chives to the sauce and champagne to accompany the cooked sea bass. Sting a bit of chives or parsley and add it over the sauce.

bass Serve well drained, covered with champagne sauce.


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Cyst In Testical Area Of Cats

scallops and green asparagus with cheese Tronchón. Recipes

Hi tod @ s ,

Here you have one of the recipes we did with my buddy David for dinner on New Years Eve ... what to say. The night gave us great, cooking and drinking as mangurrianes ... luxury and the best company one could wish.

The scallops and other fish brought them David, and he and his wife Elizabeth have two fish shops ... one in Calanda (Teruel) and in Alcaniz (Teruel). Really working material is of extraordinary quality and always looking for a competitive price ... we must not forget that eating fish quality and right price is very difficult in the interior provinces. It is a fact that they have to sleep soon and get up very early. From here, I wish them well.
One of these days I'll see if I mess up and go fish photo, normal, but normal, rare and different with their recipes. To get people excited. I think it can be very interesting and at least unusual.
In this recipe I would emphasize the use of Tronchón Cheese, for me one of the best and the success of this preparation is brutal. As curiosity I leave the link so you read it ... Don Quixote de la Mancha already knew and ate it, always curious to know things about what we eat.

Well, without further delay I get with the recetita.


8 Scallops clean.

16 green asparagus.

200g. Tronchon cheese into strips.

A splash of white wine.

2 very ripe tomatoes.

2 shallots.

fish broth.

Salt Pepper

. Saffron


extra virgin olive oil.


Scheldt tomatoes in boiling water for half a minute and peel them.
Peel and chop the shallots very finely.
cook the scallops with the chopped shallots in a pan with butter. Add a splash of white wine and let reduce. Stir in broth and add the saffron. Cook over low heat about 5 minutes. Make

green asparagus grilled with olive oil and salt.
Tritura los tomates salpimentados con unas gotas de aceite.
Coloca las vieiras con la salsa en el medio en un plato resistente al horno. Alrededor,pon los espárragos, la salsa de tomate y, por último, cubre con las lonchas de queso.

Mete en el horno unos minutos, a máxima potencia, hasta que el queso se funda.

Que aproveche!!!